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chemical erosion中文是什么意思

用"chemical erosion"造句"chemical erosion"怎么读"chemical erosion" in a sentence


  • 化学浸蚀
  • 化学侵蚀作用


  • Study on triaxial meso - failure mechanism and damage variables of sandstone under chemical erosion
  • It is praised as permanent heat insulating material with no need of renewal because it is not only safe but also durable in rigor condition of low and cryogenic temperature , underground , open air , flammability , moisture sensitivity and even chemical erosion
    它在低温深冷地下露天易燃易潮以及化学侵蚀等苛刻环境下使用时,不但安全可靠,而且经久耐用,被誉为“不需更换的永久隔热材料” 。
  • Because it well reserves the chemical stability of inorganic glass , it has the following features : low density , low thermal conductivity , vapor impermeability , no water absorption , incombustibility , protection from mould and rat eating , high mechanical strength but easy to cut and able to bear all kinds of chemical erosions except the hydrofluoric acid
用"chemical erosion"造句  


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